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OKRs for Non-profits [Notion Template]

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OKR (Objective and Key Results) is a goal-setting framework used by organizations like Google, Spotify, and Netflix to plan, implement, and execute their strategy. This methodology challenges you to set ambitious goals and identify how you will measure success.

An OKR usually consists of one Objective and 3-5 Key Results. The Objective explains where you’re going. Key Results show how you’re getting there and how you’re defining success.

Objectives are short, inspirational statements. They are precise, concrete, action-oriented, and tied to the organization’s mission. Objectives are not overly technical and they do not include metrics. Everyone in the organization should be able to easily understand the Objective.

Key Results are milestones on your path to your Objective. Essentially, your Key Result is your success criteria that shows how close you are to achieving your Objective. Key Results are measurable, specific, and time-bound. Try to be aggressive and ambitious but also realistic when setting your Key Results. Determine a metric that has a start and target value. That way, you either meet your Key Result or you don’t- there’s no grey area. Once all the Key Results are completed, the Objective is achieved.

Actions are the tasks that need to get done to complete each Key Result.

Ideally, you have the opportunity to engage your supervisor and team members in the process of creating a shared vision for your organization's communications. By taking advantage of the OKR Workshop template linked below, you can foster alignment and clarity about your work.

This template allows you to define clear and measurable objectives that align with the organization's overall mission and goals. By involving your supervisor in the process, you can ensure that their input and insights are incorporated, creating a sense of shared ownership and buy-in from the start.

The template provides a framework for setting key results that are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound. This helps team members understand their roles and responsibilities in achieving the communication objectives, promoting accountability and motivation.

Consider engaging other team members in the process of developing and refining communication strategies. This helps team members understand their roles and responsibilities in achieving the communications objectives, promoting accountability and motivation. By organizing a collaborative workshop, you can encourage open communication and brainstorming, fostering a sense of teamwork and shared responsibility.

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OKRs for Non-profits [Notion Template]

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